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Nov 18, 2007

No Magic At All: Mobius Strip

Is it Magic? What do you think? May be it's just Science? Exactly!

No Magic At All: Mobius Strip - video powered by Metacafe

1 comment:

MoebiusTripper said...

There is also a sci-fi mystery novel about the Moebius strip which I wrote this year (2007)and which is the first sci-fi novel using a Moebius strip and a vehicle riding upon it to enter another dimension...My sci-fi novel is called: "TIME TRIP ON A MOEBIUS STRIP." What my main character finds when he enters this other dimension are 16 lost famous people of history, as well as an angel that all these people have already seen except two of them....You will find many interesting facts and links that these lost people seem to share amoung themselves, which I was amazed to discover when I read their biographies....There is much more to the novel than this which you will find while reading it...
D. Richard Lewis

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